

The XYChartBean is a visual component, which is a diagram in the form of a two-axis diagram. The data is displayed as a line, area, column or point, depending on …



The PieChartBean is a visual component, which is a diagram in the form of a circle. The data are divided into triangular wedges. Each wedge represents a percentage corresponding to …


Through the MailBean it is possible to send mails with attachements and HTML formatted text to different receivers. Such as it is possible in a normal mail client.



The ProgressBarBean is a visual component to graphically show how much of an overall task has already been completed. At runtime, the minimum value, the maximum value and the current …


The LabelBean is a display area for a short text or an icon, or both. The Label supports transparency and is able to display high-resolution images without any loss of quality.


The BrowserBean offers a full featured web browser, embedded in a JavaBean. It is based on WebKit, an open source web browser engine and supports Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, Document …


The TableBean offers the possibility to display data in tabular form. In addition it offers the possibility to change the view to the data and also to process the data …