This Bean enables direct search in a field. The results are shown in a drop down list below. Thus the workflow is not interrupted by opening an extra window for …
This Bean enables direct search in a field. The results are shown in a drop down list below. Thus the workflow is not interrupted by opening an extra window for …
This beans allows to assign values within two hierarchal trees. Values can be moved within a tree and from one tree to the other.
The XYChartBean is a visual component, which is a diagram in the form of a two-axis diagram. The data is displayed as a line, area, column or point, depending on …
The PieChartBean is a visual component, which is a diagram in the form of a circle. The data are divided into triangular wedges. Each wedge represents a percentage corresponding to …
The PJC for the pushbutton adds a focusborder to the button and causes the shortcut key, if not included in the label, to be attached to the label and the …
This text field offers the possibility to use an HTML editor to format the entered text. The formatted text is then copied into the text field.
The text field with file chooser allows you to select a file via a file selection dialog. The path of the selected file at the dialog is copied into the …
The textfield with LOV allows a user to select a value from a list of values. The special feature of this PJC is that no extra button has to be …
The ProgressBarBean is a visual component to graphically show how much of an overall task has already been completed. At runtime, the minimum value, the maximum value and the current …
ClientCheck checks the client-side configuration to ensure a running Oracle Forms environment. The configuration of the client and settings regarding: Connection between client and server (proxy) Web browser settings like …
The BrowserBean offers a full featured web browser, embedded in a JavaBean. It is based on WebKit, an open source web browser engine and supports Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, Document …
The Textfield with ColorChooser allows a user to select a color from a color palette. The ColorChooser can be opened with Key-Listval. The selected color will be returned as formatted …
The Textfield with DateChooser allows a user to select a date from an interactive calendar. The DateChooser can be opened wht Key-Listval. The selected date will be retunred as formatted …